Who can access your OSHC?

If you are on a single OSHC policy, only you can access the details of your OSHC policy. If you are on a couple or family policy, the primary holder has access to the policy details. If you are the partner or child of the primary account holder, you will only have access to information related to you. You may also like to ask the primary holder to grant you access. To do this, you will need to contact CBHS International Health on 1300 174 538. Both the primary holder and you will need to be available on the call.

My agent helped me purchase my OSHC, can he access my account?

No. Your agent will not have access to your OSHC policy or account after the purchase. If your agent helped you purchase your OSHC policy, please contact us to make sure we have your correct email address, phone number and residential address. In some cases, the agent provides their own details instead of yours.

Will my parents know what I have used my OSHC for?

No, only you and those you grant authority to can discuss your membership. When we receive a call or email, we ask for identification to ensure that we are speaking to the correct person before discussing details about the policy.

Services are identified by Medicare Item Numbers and categorised as medical. A short clinical description of the service is provided on the Benefit Remittance that is issued to you by post.

Who can see details of my OSHC claims?

Only you have access to your claims unless you have provided authority for another person to access your membership on your behalf.